How Tech and Commercial Teams Can Drive Innovation Together

When discussing innovation, most of us think about R&D teams or exclusively innovation-oriented teams within an organization. In the best case scenario, we think of organizations that have managed to make innovation available to everyone through wide-spread programs such as intrapreneurship. 

One thing we often forget when starting innovation projects is how much Marketing (and Sales too) should be involved in driving corporate innovation. After all, long-term success depends on how well an organization can innovate and market those innovations. A high-quality product which does not respond to customers' needs, or which is not marketed properly, rarely has any luck in terms of business results. On the other hand, some products that aren't perfect can still be very successful if they are tailored to customer needs and marketed well. 

Unfortunately, though, one of the most significant challenges companies face, is a disconnect between their innovation and marketing teams. Let us explore where the issues commonly lie and how cross-functional teams can help companies reach perfection. 

The Disconnect Between Innovation and Marketing 

The innovation team is generally where innovative ideas originate, are tested, and developed into products or services. Meanwhile, the marketing team is responsible for understanding customer needs and communicating product or service benefits to drive sales. Companies typically bring them on board when a product or service is fully developed or at least half-way there. 

Despite their often overlooked interdependence, these teams tend to operate with different goals, timelines, and metrics of success. Innovation teams may prioritize technical excellence, while marketing focuses on customer appeal and market trends. When there is a disconnect, it can lead to products or services that are impressive but do not meet market needs. It can also result in marketing campaigns that promise more than what is actually available. 


The Benefits of Cross-Functional Teams 

A solution to the above challenge is the formation of cross-functional teams, consisting of members from both the innovation and marketing departments. By working together from the beginning, these teams can ensure that product development and subsequent marketing strategies are aligned, leading to better outcomes for the company and its customers.

Crucial for such a cross-functional team is the early understanding of the benefits and active support not only from the upper management but -most importantly- from the middle management. Executives need to recognize that dedicating time to supporting each other's objectives, and consequently the success of shared goals, yields significant benefits for everyone, including: 

1. More Effective Communication and Collaboration 

One of the most common issues arising when teams work in silos is communication gaps. Cross-functional teams can solve this by maintaining constant dialogue. This way both departments understand each other's perspectives, goals, challenges, and timelines. Such a collaboration strengthens the sense of shared purpose and reduces the risk of misalignment. 

2. Innovation with the Customer in Mind 

Marketing teams usually hold valuable insights regarding customer preferences and market trends. Involving marketing early in the development process pushes innovation teams to incorporate the said insights and feedback into their designs and consequently create products that are more likely to succeed in the market. This customer-centric approach ensures that innovation does not only focus on technological advancements but also meets the actual customer needs. 

3. Faster Process from Idea to Launch

Cross-functional teams can significantly speed up the product development process, reducing the time it takes from idea generation to market launch. With marketing involved from the beginning, there is no need for extensive handovers and revisions. Moreover, the team responsible for communicating the product or service already has a deep understanding of it and of the benefits it offers to the potential customer. This helps with faster and more effective campaigns with less testing required. 

4. Unified Goals and Metrics

By working together, Innovation and Marketing teams can establish shared goals and metrics for success right from the start. They develop a collective understanding of what the vision is and what they should aim for when driving innovation forward. This unified approach ensures that both teams are working with the same objectives in mind, whether that is achieving a certain level of innovation or helping meet specific sales targets. 

5. Improved Problem Solving

A common trait of cross-functional teams is that they bring diverse perspectives and expertise to the table and enhance problem-solving capabilities. Because of this, when one department struggles with specific challenges, the other one might be able to tackle them more effectively or even better. Challenges can be addressed through collaborative brainstorming and shared knowledge. 


Establishing Cross-Functional Teams 

Cross-functional teams can only be the answer when they are set up correctly and adopt a few key practices. Otherwise, they might end up making things more complicated instead of easier. Some of the important characteristics for cross-functional teams to function effectively, are: 

1. Leadership Support 

As mentioned before leadership support both from higher- and middle- levels, is crucial for such a concept to succeed. Leadership needs to inspire and present a clear vision for this collaboration and make this partnership smooth by providing the necessary framework and tools. 

2. Clear Roles and Responsibilities 

Overlapping roles, unclear ownership and grey areas are all often challenges within mixed teams. This is why it is important to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of team members from the beginning to help prevent confusion and ensure that everyone knows their contributions are valued. 

3. Regular Communication 

No team can be successful without regular and high-quality communication, let alone teams with such diverse backgrounds. Putting in place regular meetings and communication channels keeps everyone informed and engaged and strengthens the ongoing collaboration and feedback. 

4. Shared Tools and Platforms 

This is basic -or should be-, but not always a given. A cross-functional team should share the same project management and collaboration tools. This will help them to stay organized and ensure that all members have access to the information they need whenever they need it. This also helps to save time and resources. 

5. Continuous Improvement 

The perfect set-up from Day 1 does not exist. Similarly to everything in business, cross-functional teams should review their performance regularly and optimize accordingly. Gathering feedback from all directions is key to reach a high level of effectiveness. 


Bridging the gap between Innovation and Marketing is more important than ever. Cross-departmental teams are a powerful way to do this, while fostering collaboration, accelerating time-to-market, and ensuring that innovations are both technically excellent and market-ready. They can enable companies to create products that resonate with customers and drive both meaningful innovation and market success. 


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