Unleashing the Intrapreneurial Power of Your Employees With KICKBOX

Innovation is the mother of all possibilities and, given that employees are your greatest asset, you should want to foster intrapreneurship at every opportunity. KICKBOX is a powerful tool that will enable you to unlock the full potential of your team and ultimately help the business work on the ideas that can take it to the next level.

It is shown that innovative companies boast an average 11% higher revenue than their less-innovative counterparts. Here’s how you can use KICKBOX to transform the future of your business.

Build a truly company-wide approach to innovation

Research shows that 84% of executives believe innovation is a key part of their growth strategy. To unlock the full potential of innovation, as well as your employees, you will need a company-wide buy-in. For the best results, your business will need to promote both bottom-up and top-down innovation. Great ideas come from all directions.

Intrapreneurship can become accessible with the right tools in place, as is highlighted by the case of Implenia. KICKBOX allows all intrapreneurs to work on their ideas without having to jump through multiple hoops to get their voices heard. Ultimately, it cultivates a culture where things get done rather than talked about. When following outdated approaches, it’s likely that great innovations will be killed before they’ve ever had a chance to grow.


Follow a defined strategy with KICKBOX

When hoping to encourage intrapreneurship, enabling employees to work on their ideas with autonomy and freedom is vital. While you don’t want to stifle their creativity, however, it’s equally crucial to ensure that they follow a path that gives intrapreneurs a genuine chance of developing their ideas into something worthwhile.

KICKBOX uses a methodology that has helped over 1000 organizations worldwide and encourages employees to follow a proven series of steps to take their innovations to their logical conclusions. As seen in companies like INFRAVISTA, even successful innovations often require an iterative approach. With KICKBOX, all ideas are developed within a winning structured framework, which also allows your employees to act with confidence. 


Reward innovation with a data-led approach

It is shown that up to 79% of employees quit due to a lack of appreciation. Likewise, feeling undervalued or underestimated will often cause intrapreneurs to stop presenting ideas. While KICKBOX has many features, the fact that it tracks every step and contribution is arguably the most important part because it encourages increased engagement levels.

Even established companies like CSS have shown that it is necessary to keep evolving and working on new ideas. To truly foster a culture of innovation, it's crucial to motivate and appreciate all intrapreneurs. However, traditional strategies often limit rewards to senior managers or those who bring the final piece together. With KICKBOX, every contribution is tracked and praised, including "failures" as part of the learning curve, creating a transparent and engaging environment for all employees. 

If upgrading your company’s approach to innovation is one of your main goals for the rest of this year and beyond, KICKBOX is the perfect product to facilitate this across the business.


To join the army of organizations that have benefited from implementing the KICKBOX program, reach out to the rready team.

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