Applying Socratic Questioning to Innovation Projects

Innovation is key to growth for any business. And while two-thirds of business leaders say innovation is important to their organization’s success only a third say they are innovating successfully. Among the reasons for this is a fear of failure, causing leaders to reject disruptive ideas - something that can hold businesses back. 

Yet, innovation is more important than ever, with companies never having placed a higher importance on it than now. A vital part of innovating successfully is finding ways and applying tried and tested methods to innovation projects to help focus innovative thinking, and ensure ideas are carefully developed - guaranteeing a reduced risk of failure.

One of these methods that can be applied to the innovation process is known as Socratic questioning. 

What is Socratic Questioning?

Before delving into Socratic questioning and how it can be applied to innovation, let us quickly delve into what it means. Named after the Greek philosopher Socrates, Socratic questioning is the practice of using questions to shape ideas and enhance critical thinking. 

These questions are designed to be thought-provoking, helping people challenge existing concepts and ideas to see things from a different perspective.


Using Socratic Questioning for Innovation

Socratic questioning can be applied during various phases of the innovation process, since it helps teams refocus their innovative efforts in order for them to innovate successfully. There are different ways the Socratic method can inspire your business.


Project Initiation

When setting out, establishing your purpose and goals from the very beginning is crucial to set the direction for the rest of the project. By unpacking exactly what it is you want to achieve and why, you’re creating the space to spark true creativity and innovativeness, as well as ensure clarity on the project's significance.


Questions to ask include:

 What is the purpose of this project?

  What do we want to achieve with this project?

 Why is innovation important within this area?


Challenging Assumptions

Challenging existing assumptions about your business, products or services helps drive innovation. By questioning the beliefs and premises surrounding your project, you get the chance to challenge any biases and explore different perspectives to take your project forward and uncover truly groundbreaking concepts and ideas.


Questions to ask include:

 What assumptions can we make about this project?

  Do we have evidence to validate our assumptions?

 Are our assumptions wrong? And if so, what can we do next?


Finding Evidence

Gathering evidence will help you support your innovative ideas. Using available data and insights, you can make sure your ideas have a solid foundation, and help win over those who need to be on board to get the project over the line.

Questions to ask include:

 What evidence do we have to support our ideas?

  Does this evidence give us what we need to drive the project forward?


Exploring Alternatives

Exploring alternative ideas will help you establish the most effective and innovative solutions. Examining different, possibly improved ways of achieving your goals could help you strengthen your ideas to give you the best possible approach.


Questions to ask include:

 Are there alternative solutions we should consider?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of each approach?

Assessing Implications

A careful assessment of the implications of your ideas will help you understand any potential outcomes and impacts that it might have. You should consider how your innovation will affect customers, stakeholders and the environment, for more informed decisions.


Questions to ask here include:

 If we implement this ideas, what will the outcome be?

  How might this impact our stakeholders, our customers or the environment ?

 What are potential negative consequences or risks which could arise?

Reflection and Evaluation

Finally, a detailed evaluation of your project will help ensure continuous improvement for your business. You can assess how the project met its goals, as well as any challenges faced along the way that could be avoided in the future. This step will complete your project’s lifecycle.

What are the potential negative consequences or risks which could arise from pursuing this project and which we need to take into consideration?


Questions to ask include:

 What have we learned from this process?

  How will we do things differently in the future?

  Are there ways we can make improvements for future ideas or projects?


From project initiation to securing stakeholder buying, the Socratic approach to innovation can be helpful throughout the innovation process by identifying what questions to ask at what stage of the process. It also helps the innovator to get the clarity needed to drive ideas forward. The art of asking questions may seem simple, but it can go a long way toward shaping your thinking in a way that is designed to achieve results.


As innovation experts, rready provides you with the tools you need to turn your ideas into reality. With the help of our Idea Management and Innovation Management tools, you can source and manage ideas, ready to power innovation within your business. Contact us today to see how rready's tools can help de-risk innovation and keep your business moving forward.

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