Wie Unternehmen & Start-ups besser zusammenarbeiten

While 84% of executives confirm that innovation is important to their growth strategy, a far smaller percentage are successful in their approach to corporate innovation. An effective way to improve your strategic efforts, is through intrapreneurship and conscious investment in human capital.

Here’s why this approach can take your corporate innovation strategy to new heights offering sustained results. 

Intrapreneurship Taps Into an Employee’s Full Skill Set

An investment into human capital actively looks to leverage success from an employee’s knowledge, skills, good health, and education.

As such, the biggest asset for innovation is also your employees; their know-how, experience and expertise making them an invaluable resource.

Unfortunately, traditional approaches to innovation can often suffocate creativity, and top-down approaches don't tap into this valuable asset to the full extent. Intrapreneurship on the other hand, seeing that it is available to everyone, facilitates autonomy – allowing all employees to work on their ideas in their time. Crucially, they can use their knowledge and proficiency to drive their innovations forward, ultimately in the interest of the company. 

Having invested heavily in finding the best employees during the recruitment drive, stifling them by failing to integrate intrapreneurship and not giving them the freedom to innovate, could be the biggest mistake a company makes.


Intrapreneurship Encourages Employee Engagement 

There is a strong correlation between reduced job performance and decreased innovation. Furthermore, there has been an increasing trend of burnout in the workplace from employees across all demographics as a result of poor psychological working conditions.

When innovators are supported with the right innovation programs and find themselves in a healthy work environment,  they are likely to be more engaged and productive. The KICKBOX Intrapreneurship program, through it's gamified elements, contributes to overall engagement of the employees. Moreover, through it's hands-on approach, it makes innovation fun and provides a learning opportunity for innovators.


Intrapreneurship Helps Employees Experiment and Learn

Through intrapreneurship, employees can gather valuable data by testing their ideas on a small scale. It encourages them to always think about the consumer perspective and the viability of an idea i.e. if this idea would hold in the real world and is actually a response to a real problem or need. Through a combination of creative thinking and data-led decisions,  employees learn to accept failure and lean on the collective knowledge of colleagues and external knowledge bases to drive their ideas forward.

It takes the power of human capital investments to greater heights, which subsequently inspires faster growth along with timely updates to keep innovations relevant. 


Intrapreneurship Programs Provide a Framework for Success

Research shows that 59% of company executives aren’t sure they have the right people with the right skills needed to deliver high-quality innovation. In many cases, though, employee innovations are heavily restricted because they do not have guidance.

Intrapreneurship programs like KICKBOX help guide projects to their logical conclusion. This can help to identify ideas that will become successful or subsequently identify failed ideas at the earliest stage, which aids iterative approaches or innovation abandonment. Through various frameworks and templates, which are part of the program, the validation process and beyond is streamlined, allowing a continued focused on innovation.


Investing in human capital, will undoubtedly yield concrete results for organizations. An intrapreneurship program can provide the ideal manner to utilize human capital in an efficient way that ultimately benefits the company through new or improved products or services.


rready has helped numerous companies across different industries, make investment in human capital a priority, through the KICKBOX Intrapreneurship program. Unlock the potential of your team and business at large by contacting us today.

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