The Impact of AI on Innovation: Boost or Barrier?

From revolutionizing healthcare, to driving supply chains, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is driving innovation in various industries. It speeds up progress and solves long-standing problems.

This is what many headlines have suggested over the last couple of years at least. Is this the case though? Does AI truly boost innovation, or does it just kill creativity and diversity?

Ultimately, there are arguments for both sides of the coin. Let’s have a look! 

Accelerating Innovation Through AI


AI can easily automate any kind of purely executional or repetitive tasks, freeing up time and resources. This allows employees to focus on more mentally intensive projects requiring creativity and strategic thinking. This in turn enables faster development of ideas as well as faster execution of them - which is the most important part.    

Valuable insights:

AI is able to quickly analyze large amounts of data, providing valuable insights, statistics, patterns, and trends. Humans will often overlook or simply need an extra-long amount of time and mental capacity to identify these. As a result, we could ensure data-driven innovation solutions and state-of-the-art, extremely well-developed new products. 

Cross-field collaboration:

Collaboration between different disciplines, departments, industries, is not always a piece of cake. Thanks to AI, combining knowledge and expertise from multiple different sources is easier than ever. Synthesizing diverse insights can also initiate more and better ideas and thereby elevate innovation. 

Speedy Refinement & Optimization:

AI-powered tools allow for quick refinement of prototypes and quicker experimentation. This leads to shorter innovation cycles and enables organizations to adapt fast to market changes and evolving consumer preferences. 


Killing creativity & hurting innovation 


Out-of-the-box thinking and chance - yes, chance - are frequently the source of remarkable ideas. These sources are at risk of being more and more overlooked in favor of algorithms and their predictions. Relying too much on AI and algorithms will take human intuition and creativity out of the innovation process. Also, it will create faulty confidence that what algorithms suggest is always true, limiting people from expressing doubt and engaging in critical thinking. 

Bias & Stereotyping:

Humans have biases and stereotypes. AI can worsen these issues by learning and reflecting the biases it is trained on. This can significantly limit the diversity of perspectives and narrow the range of ideas and solutions considered. It goes without saying that in the end, innovation is what suffers. 

Job displacement:

One of the most popular conversations around AI is the replacement of humans in the workplace. While not completely true, AI does have the potential to replace workers in certain industries, reducing investment in education, training, and research, which is crucial for innovation. 

Data privacy concerns:

Concerns about privacy and surveillance have existed almost since day one of the AI era. As a result, stricter regulations are expected, as the public's distrust is increasing. Organizations may resist trying new ideas and technologies because of legal or business concerns. This could lead to a lack of innovation and experimentation in their company. 


Although no clear-cut answer exists on whether AI will help or hinder innovation, AI, like any tool, can be used in different ways to improve and enhance innovation. In the hands of those who use it lies the decision of how best we want to do so.

While it might seem a complex and multifaceted matter, in the end it really comes down to exercising choice. AI can speed up innovation by improving efficiency, providing insights, promoting collaboration, and allowing for quick adaptations. Embracing it, also helps a company to ensure it is future-ready. However, it does also bring challenges that must be addressed and overcome.

Ultimately, it all comes down to how AI is deployed. Balancing this technology's benefits with human strengths is crucial for driving innovation. 


Using AI as a tool in innovation in conjunction with the right corporate innovation program, will set your company apart. Contact rready today to find out more or schedule a free demo to discover our innovation tools in more detail.

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